Tips For Squats

Tips For Squats


It’s likely due to compensated body mechanics from tightness in the low back and/or hips.

To walk stairs with ease (and squat correctly), you have to be able to:

🔹Keep your foot flat with weight through the heel (full ankle motion)

🔹keep your pelvis and spine neutral...feelings ABS and HAMSTRINGS (front to back balance)

🔹Shift your hip back as you reach the other foot down to the next stair so your knee stays above your toes, not beyond them (hip internal rotation/adduction and posterior capsule mobility).

Going up and down stairs is basically a series of single leg mini squats!

Squat to climb stairs and climb stairs to squat!

* Side note: my clients are usually the only ones privileged to see my stick drawings 😂

About the Author Dr. Addie Holzmann

Addie's professional focus is treating female athletes with a holistic lens using Postural Restoration as a framework to address pelvic health issues. Visit the About section for more details on her approach and professional training.

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