Tips For Lats

Tips For Lats

❇️ LATS...the intimidators ❇️

LATS are a powerful muscle of the posterior chain, just look at their size!

They often can become overactive pulling people into an exaggerated “S” spinal curve with increased arch in lower back paired with rounded and forward shoulders.

Strong muscles are great as long as they are balanced with their opposition muscles.

It’s all about balance ⚖️


👉🏼Lay on your back with your knees bent
👉🏼Roll your pelvis back so every segment of your spine is flat on the floor
👉🏼Exhale fully closing your rib cage (like closing an umbrella)
👉🏼Reach your arms over your head (biceps to ear)...keeping your spine flat on the ground
❓Do your arms lay flat on the floor? Or do they suspend in the air?

Full shoulder flexion is 180* which is arms flat on the floor 😉

About the Author Dr. Addie Holzmann

Addie's professional focus is treating female athletes with a holistic lens using Postural Restoration as a framework to address pelvic health issues. Visit the About section for more details on her approach and professional training.

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