Did You Know? Pelvic Floor

Did You Know Pelvic Floor

▶️ PELVIC FLOOR...How well do you know yours?? ◀️ 

The pelvic floor is responsible for:

✅ spine and pelvic stability

✅ allowing AND preventing peeing and pooping

✅ sexual function (orgasms)

✅supporting pelvic organs (bladder, uterus, rectum, prostate)

✅supporting movement and breathing

Signs that the pelvic floor may need medical attention:

❌ constipation


❌leaking pee or poop

❌painful intercourse

AND JOINT PAIN (back, hips, sacroiliac joints, even knees!)

Everyone has a pelvic floor! Women, men, adults, and children.

Seek out a pelvic health professional if you have any symptoms! Better to take care of issues sooner than later!

About the Author Dr. Addie Holzmann

Addie's professional focus is treating female athletes with a holistic lens using Postural Restoration as a framework to address pelvic health issues. Visit the About section for more details on her approach and professional training.

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