Tips For Standing

Tips For Standing

Pain with standing doing dishes or cooking?

Many people do!

Especially if you rest your pelvis on the counter which causes back compression and lets your weight hang through ligaments instead of using muscle for stability.

✳️ TRY THIS ✳️

▪️stand so your toes are touching the counter and weight is through your heels

▪️bend your knees so they lightly touch the counter

▪️shoulders go slightly forward as hips go slightly back so you are hinging at the hips

▪️roll your pelvis and round your low back using hamstrings and abs (no glute clenching!)-there shouldn’t be any discomfort

This position helps get you out of extension (decompresses your spine, lengthens back muscles and the back of your pelvic floor and increases core activity) and balance your muscle relationships.

It should be stable and strong (and probably awkward or weird if it’s a position you’re not used to). 

About the Author Dr. Addie Holzmann

Addie's professional focus is treating female athletes with a holistic lens using Postural Restoration as a framework to address pelvic health issues. Visit the About section for more details on her approach and professional training.

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