You Are Enough!

NeuMe Mama Time

Someday these little humans won’t be sitting on me as I try to find my inner chi...

But for now, I’ll do my best to appreciate this season and all its chaos 💛...

From one mom navigating life with young tots to are enough!...

You’re enough without a clean house, or perfect makeup and hair, or a finished to-do list...YOU are enough...

Your love is enough. Your smile is enough. Your presence is enough...

So love them hard, hug them lots, and accept that there will always be something to do but this season only comes once. And someday you’ll be able to do yoga without them sitting on you (let’s hope 😆)

Thanks Malynda for a great yoga session!

Southern Pines friends, come join us next ​FREE yoga session as we enjoy​ the outdoors while the kids play. ​Doesn’t get better than that!

​Yoga in the Park:

About the Author Dr. Addie Holzmann

Addie's professional focus is treating female athletes with a holistic lens using Postural Restoration as a framework to address pelvic health issues. Visit the About section for more details on her approach and professional training.

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